Big Brother Alert - Unofficial Winners
Author: Dominic
ADAM rounds the corner into the bathroom declaring that he and RYAN are the unofficial winners of Big Brother 9. RYAN says "Not official, we still need to beat out the weakest player in Big Brother history!"
Unofficial Winners
Big Brother Alert - Big Brother Legends!
Author: Dominic
RYAN declares that he, ADAM and SHEILA are to be considered "Big Brother Legends" from this point on because they are the final 3 in the house. ADAM and SHEILA seem to disagree on the status of "Legend".
Big Brother Legends
Big Brother Alert - Dogging Sheila
Author: Dominic
ADAM asks SHEILA to say something good about him "for once in your life!" SHEILA defends herself saying "I know that it's rare, but I do it!" ADAM says "You probably dog me out." She says "You dog me out!" ADAM jokes "Big time!" Everybody laughs.
Dogging Sheila
Big Brother Alert - Synchronized Grooming
Author: Dominic
ADAM and RYAN peer into the bathroom mirror as they groom themselves in unison. They both lean back as ADAM says "I see hoop dreams deflate!" They laugh, and once again, as if choreographed, they go back to the plucking.
Synchronized Grooming
Big Brother Alert - Full Moon
Author: Dominic
ADAM looks up and realizes it's a full moon. SHEILA comes out and acts as if she's never seen a full moon before. "Beautiful! It's so beautiful! I wish I could see stars, but I think you need to be in the country to see stars."
Full Moon
Big Brother Alert - Scenarials
Author: Dominic
ADAM is in the kitchen with RYAN complaining about how SHEILA bothers him with possible scenarios, or as she calls them, "scenarials". RYAN refers to SHEILA saying, "It's all perfect scenarios for you!"
Big Brother Alert - Seventeen Blankets
Author: Dominic
SHARON tells ADAM that she took a blanket from another bed in the house and put it on hers because back home, she has seventeen blankets on her bed back at home. "No joke! I have like, seventeen blankets on my bed!"
Seventeen Blankets
Natalie Diary 4/18
Author: Dominic
"When I get really excited my voice gets louder, because what else do you do when you get excited? You get loud! You get crazy! I don't know, I can't help it. I guess it's just a natural thing for when you get excited. When I get excited I just get louder!" - NATALIE
Ryan Diary 4/18
Author: Dominic
"He said everything's even, yet he came out and lies to me about taking me off the block, and he takes SHEILA off. It was just a big lie to me. I felt betrayed by him, and ever since then I was like 'I'm done! I'm going after this kid, I'm not going to be happy until I get him out.' That's it. Done." - RYAN
Sharon Diary 4/18
Author: Dominic
"I definately feel like a target this week and will do whatever it takes to get the heat off me and onto the person I'm going to sit next to in the end." - SHARON
Sheila Diary 4/18
Author: Dominic
"The best thing was that I know he's being taken care of and that he's good, because I worry about him. I worry about if he's eating and if he's okay. If he's happy and he's not sad, and seeing his photos reminded me of why I need to be here." - SHEILA
Adam Diary 4/18
Author: Dominic
"I didn't evict JAMES, I just put JAMES on the block, so there's no regrets there at all. By not putting him up first I feel that I did the right thing which is beneficial to myself. I have won the POV this week so my butt is safe, so no I do not regret putting JAMES on the block for eviction." - ADAM
Big Brother Alert - Whoever Denied It, Supplied It
Author: Dominic
SHEILA says "There's no pre-existing relationship in the house!" ADAM thinks there is, and implies it involves her by saying "Whoever denied it, supplied it! Know what I'm saying?"
Whoever Denied It, Supplied It
Big Brother Alert - An Easy Decision
Author: Dominic
SHEILA tells ADAM why she evicted NATALIE. The conversation in the bathroom, then telling SHEILA she was against her and with "the boys", and continuously shooting herself in the foot made the decision very easy.
An Easy Decision
Big Brother Alert - A Confusing Decision
Author: Dominic
ADAM and RYAN had the last eviction all planned out together. The only problem was ADAM didn't understand the wording. "Voting for Natalie!" What does that even mean? To stay or to go?
A Confusing Decision
Big Brother Alert - We Are Losers
Author: Dominic
SHEILA and ADAM are sitting in the backyard and SHEILA says "Whatever, we lost!" ADAM, in a robotic voice says "We're such losers." They both laugh about it and SHEILA says to him "It doesn't pay to be a loser."
We Are Losers
Big Brother Alert - Homesick Adam
Author: Dominic
ADAM tells SHEILA that he has been homesick all day. He says "Once you get the thought in your head, it's all you can think about, you know?" SHEILA gives him a heartfelt hug.
Homesick Adam