Big Brother Alert - Biggest Turnaround in BB History
Author: Dominic
RYAN and ADAM talk about the HOH competition. ADAM says "Thank God it was you up there bro!" RYAN is still letting it all sink in and says that was probably "the biggest turnaround in Big Brother history!"
Big Brother Alert - Get Off Me Immediately
Author: Dominic
NATALIE is saying how much MATT is going to miss her. She gives him a big hug and annoyingly he exclaims "NATALIE, get off me immediately!" She laughs it off and continues to say how much he is going to miss her.
Big Brother Alert - Betrayal!
Author: Dominic
JOSHUAH rants "If everyone is voting that way, why am I so upset?" Then he walks towards SHARON and says "Someone's betraying me, I don't know who yet." SHARON says "Or nobody is and they're all talking stupid..."
Big Brother Alert - Whoopdee Frickin' Ding Dong
Author: Dominic
MATT and NATALIE talk about JAMES and CHELSIA, how they aren't good at playing the game. MATT says, "They're not good at anything! They have only won one competition, they won HOH! Big whoop!" Then NATALIE chimes in "yeah! Whoopdee frickin' ding dong!"
Big Brother Alert - Chocolate Prank
Author: Dominic
ALLISON sprays chocolate syrup all over the insides of a pair of her own pants to make it look like she had an "accident." Then she shows all the guys the mess as she laughs about it.
Big Brother Alert - Never Going to Boston
Author: Dominic
ALLISON approaches JOSHUAH who says "I don't hate you, I just have nothing to say to you." Then he says, "We're not going to be friends outside of this house, I will never come to Boston, I never want to hang out. There's just no reason to be your friend."
Big Brother Alert - Adam Makes a Splash
Author: Dominic
JAMES is in the pool spraying a stream of water from a hose and ADAM thinks he can jump over it. ADAM runs and does a cannonball over it.
Big Brother Alert - Evil Proof Hat
Author: Dominic
NATALIE is wearing a tin foil helmet. MATT asks her "What are you doing?" NATALIE says "We just blessed this entire house." MATT replies "What is the hat for? What is that, is that Catholic?" She says it "gets rid of the evil." JAMES says that the show is going to play "wack job" music for her.
Big Brother Alert - Hickey Situation
Author: Dominic
RYAN notices CHELSIA has a hickey on her neck. He says to JAMES "You got her dude!" and raises his hand for a high five. MATT sees it too and calls out, Oh yeah, you got a hickey!" CHELSIA is quick to cover it up and playfully tells JAMES she "Hates him."
Big Brother Alert - Kiss Interrupted
Author: Dominic
MATT and SHARON are in the HOH room in the midst of a steamy make out session when JOSHUAH comes in, interrupting them and putting a stop to it. They pretend that nothing was going on, and JOSHUAH tells MATT that NATALIE is looking for him.
Big Brother Alert - James Hallucinating
Author: Dominic
JAMES talks about the first day of his bike trip. He "Left from Orlando and went 80 miles the first day." By the time he got there he was "Hallucinating, and didn't have any water."
Big Brother Alert - One Higher Power
Author: Dominic
NATALIE and JAMES talk about God and Christianity. NATALIE says "God is one, that's what God means!" JAMES says that he "gets frustrated" and says that a lot of Christians "aren't going to even try with me." Then they both laugh.
Big Brother Alert - Shawshank, Superbad
Author: Dominic
JOSHUAH says he hates the movie "Superbad". JAMES is surprised and says his favorite movie is "The Shawshank Redemption."
Sheila Diary 3/1
Author: Dominic
"I hope that when my son watches this, that he did not see some of the verbal abuse that was thrown out on ADAM. I know that it's going to be there, I just feel horrible about that." - SHEILA
Sharon Diary 3/1
Author: Dominic
"Um, I don't care what my family sees except my dad, because my dad of all people does not know that JACOB and I have matching tattoos. My whole family knows but him, that's the one thing I hope does not get revealed on national television!" - SHARON
Ryan Diary 3/1
Author: Dominic
"Honestly, I am relieved that JEN is gone, you know I'd like to think that if me and ALLISON went that JEN would be relieved also. I mean it's hard, I love the girl, I wish I could spend quality time, but you know this is a game, and for the game's sake, you know it's better off that JEN isn't..." - RYAN
Natalie Diary 3/1
Author: Dominic
"Coffee tastes better when served in a bikini because girls in bikinis are sweet and sexy, and you know coffee tastes better when it's sweet."
Matt Diary 3/1
Author: Dominic
"My friends and family back in Boston, I wish they didn't see my partner cry because of me. That honestly and truly made me hurt inside because I never want to make a woman cry. That's not my goal in life. I may be 'America's Playa' and all that stuff, that's just in the house you know what I mean." - MATT
Joshuah Diary 3/1
Author: Dominic
"It's a lot easier for lesbians to hide being lesbians because girls are allowed to have girl talk. Girls are allowed to hold hands. Girls are allowed to go to the restroom together and gossip and just do all the girly things together. If you see two guys do it, then it's a little wierd and a..." - JOSHUAH
James Diary 3/1
Author: Dominic
"I think CHELSIA is an attractive girl. Besides her looks, her personality is something I'm not used to actually being with. So to actually get a girl that is open minded, but at the same she comes from a small town in Iowa and it's really interesting, and it gives me some time to get to know her.." - JAMES
Chelsia Diary 3/1
Author: Dominic
"I find JAMES attractive in the sense that he is an amazing person. He's so open minded. He's gone through so much in his life and his outlook on life is amazing. So I find him attractive in that way." - CHELSIA
Amanda Diary 3/1
Author: Dominic
"When my family and friends are watching this back in Minnesota, I hope they do not see JOSHUAH cussing me out and making up lies about me. My family knows that I tend to fabricate things, but a lot of what JOSHUAH said was incorrect. Some things were right, others were wrong." - AMANDA
Allison Diary 3/1
Author: Dominic
"The one thing I hope my friends back in Boston didn't see was me retaliating against JEN. Calling her a ___ because of the fact that that's not me and I usually don't let anyone, especially someone like JEN get the best of me. Unfortunately in that situation with all the chaos going on, she did." - ALLISON
Alex Diary 3/1
Author: Dominic
"If my family and friends are watching I hope they don't get upset if I go home. But something I don't want them to see? Me in the shower, I don't know." - ALEX
Adam Diary 3/1
Author: Dominic
"Sleeping next to SHEILA every night is not very pleasurable, she's like laying next to a log! She smells, she can't sleep, her breath stinks. It's kind of rough sleeping next to SHEILA. But I maintain." - ADAM
Big Brother Alert - Ivy League?
Author: Dominic
ALLISON attacks JOSHUAH asking if he makes "Thirty thousand dollars a year?" He says "No, actually I don't. I make a lot more than that. But I forgot, you have some biology degree that you had to take three different colleges to get." Sarcastically she answers "I did?"
Big Brother Alert - Operation Condor: Complete
Author: Dominic
MATT brings up "Operation Condor." JAMES says that "Condor is out." MATT says it's "The first successful mission in Big Brother history" and JAMES corrects him saying it's the "First successful operation!" MATT asks if he was a pawn, JAMES says "yeah."